Guidelines for Author Submissions
Updated April 2024
The editorial board of TROPOS, the Biannual Graduate Student Journal of the Department of Romance and Classical Studies at Michigan State University, invites submissions for its next issue. We welcome academic contributions in English, French, or Spanish in the fields of Romance studies including literary studies, cultural studies, visual arts, film and media studies, gender studies, and linguistics. TROPOS was first published in 1971 and is one of the longest graduate student-edited journals in Romance Studies in North America.
Please take the following guidelines into consideration when submitting:
- Essays may be written in English, French or Spanish. Be consistent with your use of a given language within your essay.
- Submit a word document with the title of your essay but without your name. Include a first page with the title of essay and 200-230-word abstract (in French or Spanish AND English). PDFs are not accepted.
- Include complete contact information (title, complete name, affiliation-graduate program-institution, email address) in the message that accompanies your submission.
- Length: Between 6000 (approx 16-18 pages) and 8000 words (approx 22-24 pages), including notes and list of Works Cited).
- Follow MLA style, 7th edition unless otherwise indicated.
- Use footnotes (no endnotes)
- Font # 12 Times New Roman for the main text.
- Font # 10 Times New Roman for footnotes.
- Double space (main text and list of Works Cited) and simple space (footnotes).
- Number your pages (center-bottom of the page).
- Only include visual images if they are being studied in your essay. If you submit visual images along with your essay, provide a hi-resolution file, 300 dpi in an image format (.JPG, .TIFF or .PNG). Include also a placeholder in your essay where the image should be included and a caption. If your essay is accepted, you must provide appropriate permission to publish visual images.
- If tables or diagrams are included, use the “insert table” function of word to create it.
Publication decisions are based solely on the quality of submissions and their publication may be contingent to revisions.
We are only accepting full papers (6,000-8,000 words) for review at this time. Submissions that have been published elsewhere will not be considered.